
Remote Research Residency

Process of work in a month long Remote Research Artist Residency (RRR) with Arts Assembly and Access Gallery. About RRR: Artists with lived experience as Queer/LGBTQIA2S+, Black, Indigenous, racialized, disabled, and/or neurodivergent were prioritized in the selection of six artists or artistic groups.

Remote in our working definition is being located rurally/outside of city centres, and/or facing isolation from artistic communities through circumstances such as working from home, caregiving, health needs, or displacement. Remoteness can be an experience that is physical, geographic, mental or spiritual.

Recognizing the impacts of colonialism, white supremacy, and all forms of systemic oppression, we are working broadly in our own organizational approaches, and specifically with the structure and intentions of this project, to de-centre whiteness and nurture people, projects, and ideas, to whatever their natural evolution may be.

Project support for RRR is provided by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Audain Foundation.
